” The choir of the Moscow State Linguistic University,Musica Linguae, consists of 25 students and former students of the university. We stopped rehearsals on March 16 and I don’t think we will start again before the end of May.
We tried to rehearse on Zoom, Skype, FreeConferenceCallbut because of the sound delay it proved impossible to make music together.
I recorded special vocal warm-ups- exercises to keep the voice in shape.
Our willingness to make music led us to look for new ways of cooperating: we recorded a video of our favourite song, the unofficial choir anthem. In fact, it was interesting: each choir member had to work to do his part well, so each did his own rehearsal. And the result, as always in a choir, was a joint success.
Another bonus: because of the remote recordings, singers who don’t come to rehearsals now for different reasons (moving or other) were able to participate in the recording.
Seeing them all singing together gave me joy and inspiration – I discovered that it’s funto conduct such an extended virtual choir. “
Olga Doubovskaya